Aims and Scope


-          Informing and developing Quranic and Hadith researches;

-          Providing an opportunity to exchange views and ideas of Quranic and Hadith scholars, as well as, presenting a universal vision of religion and its categories;

-          Providing a proper space for new ideas, as well as, their critique and clarification, in order to answer the contemporary epistemic questions and institutionalize religious culture;

-          Special attention to proposing the ideas of contemporary thinkers about religion, emphasizing on Quran and Hadith texts.


Publication Ethics

 In this Quarterly, articles published in one of the areas of the Qur'anic sciences, Hadith sciences, or interdisciplinary discussions of the Quran and hadith with other sciences, which are 80% of the Quranic sciences, are published.

Iranian Journal of  “Researches of  Quran and Hadith Sciences”(TQH) is an official Persian publication of Iran Society. The ethical policy of TQH is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. Editorial board and advisory board, editor-in-chief, authors, reviewers, editors and readers should follow these ethical policies once working with TQH. If any violation of the law is detected by the researchers, the journal will deal with international law (COPE). For information on this matter in publishing and ethical guidelines please visit


 Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Board and Advisory Board


Acceptance of the Papers

The editor-in-chief is responsible for accepting or rejecting of the papers. The editor-in-chief with the consultation of the editorial board, advisory board, reviewers and editors while considering copyright, plagiarism, and other related issues, decides on the acceptance of the papers.



The editor-in-chief has the responsibility of judging the papers only according to their scientific features and should act without any bias, personal hatred; nor should he/she act with a bias to nationality, gender, religious and tribal, racial and political issues.



During the reviewing process, the editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board and advisory board should not reveal any material about the article to anybody except the reviewers, authors, and editors.


Confidentiality and not using the Paper for Personal Use

All or part of the materials that have not been published should not be used in the editor-in-chief’s, editorial boards or advisory board's personal research without the author’s written consent. The confidential information or ideas obtained through reviewing the papers should be kept in confidence and should not be used for their personal interests.


Acceptance of the Papers


The reviewers help the editor-in-chief, editorial board and advisory board in making decisions about the acceptance or rejection of the papers, and contribute to improvement of the submitted papers by sending corrections to them.


The Right of Refusals and Non-acceptance

Refusal and rejection of a paper review is necessary according to the time and setting. The reviewer who feels disqualification for reviewing a paper should refuse the review.



 The reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the reviewing process and should not yield any information about the paper to anyone except the editor-in-chief without written consent of the writer.

Being Unbiased

The reviewers should review the papers objectively and in an unbiased and just manner. They should avoid personal biases in their comments and judgements.


The reviewers should identify and examine the writer’s references. Any conclusion or discussion already proposed should be accompanied with the source. Moreover, in case of observing any similarity or overlap between the submitted paper and another paper, the reviewer should report it to the editor-in-chief.

Conflict of Interests

The reviewers should not use the information or ideas they obtain during the review process for their own interests. Moreover, the reviewers should avoid reviewing the papers that, in their opinion, entail conflict of interests including common, organizational, or personal financial interests or any link with the companies, institutions, or the people related with the papers in one way or another.


Reporting the Results


The corresponding author is the person held responsible for the contents of the submitted paper. The authors are responsible for comprehensive and complete report of their findings, and they should be particularly careful in reporting the results and interpreting them. The paper should include enough details and sources so that other researchers will have access to similar data for replication of the study.


The authors should declare that the submitted manuscript is original and has not been previously partially or fully published elsewhere neither in Persian nor in any other languages. The authors are not allowed to send all or part of the paper that is under review process in another place to TQH.

Writing the Paper

All authors mentioned in the article should have real cooperation and contribution in writing the paper and should be responsible for its results. The authorship validity or score should be determined according to the authors’ share in preparing different parts of the paper. The authors should accept the responsibility of the paper. The corresponding author who sends the article to،TQH should send a copy or a draft of the paper to all co-authors and should have their consent for sending the paper to the journal and publishing it.

Changes of Authors

The list and order of authors must be approved by all authors before submitting their manuscript. Any addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made and explained by reasons given by the corresponding author and confirmed by all other authors before reviewing process of the manuscript and only if approved by the editor-in-chief.


The author(s) should mention the name of the centers or people who have affected the completion of the study and should express their appreciation of their help. Moreover, if the study has a financial sponsor, it should be mentioned and appreciated in this section.

Conflict of Interests

The authors are required to mention any conflict of interests which have affected the research results or their interpretation and refer to the financial sources which sponsor the study.

Revising the Paper

 If the author(s) notice any error or major carelessness in his/her work, he/she should report it to the editor-in-chief of TQH and should cooperate in the process of revising and making corrections.

Peer Review System

TQH uses a “Double Blind reviewing” process for all articles.


Online plagiarism checker softwares ( are used to detect similarities between the submitted manuscripts and other published papers.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public and supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



TQH is an Open Access journal. Article submission, processing, and publication fees are also free for users. Users can to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles under the following conditions: Creative Commons Attribution Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC.ND 4.0). Users can free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format the licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as they follow the license terms. That means users should refer to the articles for scientific and research works, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.

Journalism Policy on how to deal with plagiarism:

If an article is found for the article on plagiarized piracy, put the writer's / writer's blog in blacklisted list. If published, the article is archived and the author / authors name is followed by the article "The article is a plagiarized plagiarism" .