The ups and downs of Mecca and Medina origin of the verses of the Quran in Al-Tafsir al-Hadith

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor in Quran and Hadith at University of Kashan‎

2 M.A. graduated in Quran and Hadith at University of Kashan.‎


Darvazeh is one of the contemporary interpreters that his interpretation is based on chronological order. One of his reasons to interpret the Quran in this method is understanding the interpretation of the Quran based on the process of revelation of the verses. Darvazeh followed the method of Imam Ali (Pbuh) in collecting the verses of Quran after the death of Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh) as the supporter of his attitude. his attempt in "Siyaq al Ayah(verses)" and chronological order of verses based on Mecca and Medina origin of the verses in dividing divine words are Darvazeh's fundamentals of interpretational method. Darvazeh's emphasis in dividing the Suras based on Mecca and Medina origin of the verses in "Siyaq al Ayah" and "theme" resulted in the ignorance of traditions and also all of his efforts focused on explaining the thematic unity among the verses of the Quran. Darvazeh's approach resulted in a incorrect interpretation based Mecca and Medina origin of the verses. his approach also distanced his interpretation from adherence to interpret rules such as referring to correct traditions as important component in understanding the verses. however, Darvazeh succeeded in offering correct interpretation by commitment to the role of chronological order of verses.


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