Labeling reflection in the Quran

Document Type : Research Paper



Labeling is a prevalent social phenomenon affecting human relationship with each other. This phenomenon was also common in the Muslim world. In this article, to identify the underlying causes and circumstances of the emergence of this social behavior and its consequences, and also in order to receive guidance from the Qur’an in confronting it, the Holy Qur’an was studied.
In this article, using the method of Grounded Theory (GT), the quranic data have been analyzed and the following hypotheses are suggested as the result: 1.Arrogance leads to labeling the prophets and divine scriptures. 2. In the cultures dominated by polytheism, the emergence of the prophets and a new religion underlies labeling the monotheistic values. 3. Under the rule of the aristocracy, the ignorance of society leads to the labeling of the prophets. 4. Worldly and after-world consequences of labeling are directly correlated with the frequency of labeling phenomenon.
Based on the findings of this study, it is suggested to put the above hypotheses into practice and also to employ qualitative methods such as grounded theory in the study of the Qur’an and history.


Main Subjects

-       قرآن کریم.
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