An study and analysis of Molla Heveyshe Al-e-Ghazi's method in Holy Quran dateline

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD of Quran and Hadith Sciences

2 Associate Professor, University of Al-Zahra

3 Associate Professor, University of Imam Sadiq

4 Professor of University of tehran


An study and analysis of Molla Heveyshe Al-e-Ghazi's method in Holy Quran dateline

Mohammad Farough ashkar tizabi(PhD Quran and Hadith Sciences)
Abdul Karim be azar Shirazi ( Associate Professor, University of Al-Zahra )
Abbas Muslai Poor (Associate Professor, University of Imam Sadiq)
abdul hadi feghizadeh(Professor of University of tehran)

Specifying the chronological order of revelation of the Quran or its dateline is to identify and determine the time and date of each unit of Quran revelation with the help of different Maki and Madani iterations, revelation reasons, revelation order, abrogating and outdated, biography of Islam prophet(pbuh) and using the implications and reiterates mentioned in Quran about temporal events of Prophet’s history of mission.
Molla Heveyshe Al-e-Ghazi in “Bayan-o-Al-Maani Ala Hasbe Tartibe Alnozool” based on his interpretation and historical background, has done the greatest efforts in this case using Quranic verses, descending order lists and hadith sources. Believing in his special principles and foundations, obtained from his believes in the field of Quranic Sciences and historical topics,he applied methods in Quran dateline and achieved new results about the event time and state of the events of early Islamic history.
We can express and analyze his most important methods under these heading: Classification and prioritization of resources, Reordering the Surahs based on their initial verses, Relying on historical documents, Citing to the traditions of revelation verses reasons,Paying attention to historical stages of Canonization of religious orders and Paying attention in revelation time of allegorical verses in a special topic.


Main Subjects


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