Classification indicators of familiarity with the Quran (knowledge and skills- According ‎to experts in the field of education and the management of the Quranic affairs)‎

Document Type : Research Paper



One of the problems in Quranic activities, the absence of accurate codified and stratified indicators, to better assess the ‎level of familiarity with the Holy Quran. The absence of these indicators leads to a lack ‎of accurate assessment of the results of many activities.‎
Authors using analytical methods and organizing Thought Table with the participation ‎of some professors and practitioners, have identified classified indicators as the ‎consequences (knowledge and skills) of familiarity with the Holy Quran. "Acquaintance ‎with the text of Quran" and" Acquaintance with the meanings of Quran" are two ‎macro indicators. "Recognizing Quranic text from other texts", "Detection of applying ‎words in the Quran", "Recognizing the position of words in the verses, verses in ‎Surahs and Surahs in the Quran", "Reading accurately and fluently verses of the ‎variant types of scripts and codices "," Acquaintance with the record the words of the ‎Quran "and" Acquaintance with the writing style of words of the Quran" are the main ‎indicators in the field of Text. "Understanding the meaning of the Quran", "Ability to ‎find meaning in the Quran", "Ability to find evidence from the Quran in speech and ‎writing", "Ability to reflect and receive concepts from the verses", "Identify the ‎contents of the Quran in other texts" and "Ability to value judgment about the ‎different concepts based on the Quran" are the main indicators in the field of ‎Meanings. Also each of the main indicators in three categories divided: basic ‎indicators, advanced and excellent.‎


Main Subjects

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