An Analytical Study of "The Methodology of Oriental Hadith Researches in Imāmī Heritage"

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Quran and Hadith Department, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


Discovering the orientalists' research methods in the Imāmī Hadith Literature and the approaches applied by them for each method, is an introduction to other issues such as thoughts and subjects, as well as, evaluating, analyzing, and criticizing them. The oriental studies in these area are divided into three general methods: historical, comparative, and descriptive, of which each has its own approach; in historical studies there are two approaches of analytical and inter-context analytical, in comparative ones, two approaches of historical-analytical and inter-context analytical, and in descriptive ones, four approaches of historical-analytical, inter-context analytical, phenomenological, and morphological. In addition, in some cases we observe a combination of multi research methods. The present study aims to analyze all orientalists' researches in Imāmī Shiite Hadith heritage, study different types of their studies, and then discover, review, analyze, and evaluate their methodological approaches.


Main Subjects



    1.The Holy Qurʼan

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    34. Buckley, Ronald P (1997). “The Early Shiite Ghulat.” Journal of Semitic Studies.
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    36. Büyükkara, Mehmet Ali (2005). “Imamyye Sia' Sunin Hadis Usulunden “Mezhebi Bozuk”: Reviler (I): Metodolojik Degerlendirmeler, Islami Arastirmalar Dergisi, 17(3): 201–215.
    37. Büyükkara, Mehmet Ali (2000). “The Schism in the Party of Müsa al-Kazim and the Emergence of the Waqifa”, Arabica, 48: 78-99.
    38. Calder, Norman (1979). “Judicial authority in Imami Shi'i jurisprudences”, British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Bulletin, 6(2): 104-108.
    39. Chittick WC (1988). As-Sahifa Al-Kamilah Al-Sajjadiyya, a Translation.
    40. Firestone, Reuven (1998). “Merits, Mimesis, and Martyrdom: Aspects of Shi'ite Meta-historical Exegesis on Abraham's Sacrifice in Light of Fewish, Christian, and Sunni Muslim Tradition”, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 66 (1).
    41. Gleave, Robert (2001). “Between Ḥadīth and Fiqh: The “Canonical” Imāmī Collections of Akhbār”, Islamic Law and Society, 8 (3): 350-382.
    42. Gleave, Robert (2007). Scripturalist Islam; The History and Doctrines of the Akhbari Shi’i School, Brill.
    43. Jarrar, Maher (2000). “Sīrat Ahl al-Kisā: Early Shī’ī Sources on the Biography of the Prophet”, in the Biography of Muḥammad (ed. by Harald Motzki - Leiden [u.a.], pp. 98-153).
    44. Kohlberg, Etan (1975). “An Unusual Shi’i Isnad”, Israel Oriental Studies, 5: 142-149.
    45. Kohlberg, Etan (1976). “From Imāmiyya to Ithnā-'ashariyya”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 39 (3): 521-534.
    46. Kohlberg, Etan (1979-A). “The Term Muhaddath in Twelver Shi'ism”, n.p.
    47. Kohlberg, Etan (1979-B). “The Term 'Rafida' in Imāmī Shī‘ī Usage”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 99(4): 677-679.
    48. Kohlberg, Etan (1983). “Shi'i Hadith”, In: Arabic Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period Beeston, A. F. L. (editor), Cambridge University Press, pp. 299–303.
    49. Kohlberg, Etan (1984). “Some Imāmī Views on the Sahāba”, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 5: 143-176.
    50. Kohlberg, Etan (1985-A). “Non-Imāmī Muslims in Imāmī Figh”, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 6: 99-106.
    51. Kohlberg, Etan (1985-B). “The position of the walad zinā in Imāmī Shī'ism”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 48 (2): 237-266.
    52. Kohlberg, Etan (1987). “Al-Usūl al-Arba'umi'a”, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic & Islam, 10: 128-166.
    53. Kohlberg, Etan (1991). “Aspects of Akhbari Thought in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”, InBelief and Law in Imami Shi'Ism (Collected Studies Series, Cs 339) by Etan Kohlberg, Variorum.
    54. Kohlberg, Etan (1994). “Authoritative Scripture in Early Imami Shiism”, in E. Patlagend and A. Le Boulluece (eds.), Les retours aux ecritures, Fondamentalism presents et passet, Louvain-Paris.
    55. Kohlberg, Etan (2005). “Revelation et Falsification: Introduction a L'edition du Kitab al-qiraat d'al-Sayyari”, n.p.
    56. Kohlberg, Etan (2013-A). “Introduction” to Shi'i Hadith Section of Daftary, Farhad and Miskinzoda, Gurdof (editors), The Study of Shi'i Islam: History, Theology and Law, (Shi'i heritage series), I.B. Tauris, vol. 2, pp. 165-180.
    57. Kohlberg, Etan (2013-B). “The Abu Basir tradition: Qur'anic verses on the merits of the Shi`a”, in: Law and Tradition in Classical Islamic Thought: Studies in Honor of Professor Hossein Modarressi.
    58. Lalani, Arzina R (2000). Early Shīʻī thought: The teachings of Imam Muḥammad al-Bāqir, London, New York: I.B. Tauris in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies.
    59. Marcinkowski, Muhammad Ismail (2000), "Al-Kulayni and his Early Twelver-Shi‘ite HadithCompendium Al-Kafi: Selected Aspects of the Part Al-Usul min al-Kafi", Islamic Culture, 74 (1): 89-126.
    60. Modaressi, M. Hossein (2003). Tradition and Survival: A Bibliographical Survey of Early Shī’te Literature vol. 1, Oxford: Oneworld.
    61. Newman, Andrew (2000). The Formative Period of Twelver Shī’ism: Hadīth as Discourse between Qum and Baghdad, Richmond, surrey.
    62. Sachedina, Abdulaziz Abdilhussein (1998). The Just Ruler in Shi’te Islam, The Comprehensive Authority of The Jurist in Imamite Jurisprudence, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    63. Saritoprak, Z. (2002). “The Mahdi Tradition in Islam: A Social-Cognitive Approach”, Islamic Studies, 41: 651-674.
    64. Sindāwī Khalie (2006). “The Donkey of the Prophet in Shī‘ite Tradition”. Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean, 18 (1): pp. 87–98.
    65. Takim LN (2007). “The Origins and Evaluations of Hadith Transmitters in Shi'i Biographical Literature”, The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 24(2): 26–49.


    -       Afsaruddin A (1995). “An Insight into the Hadīth Methodology of Jamāl al-Dīn Aḥmad b. Ṭāwūs”. Der Islam, vol.72(1): 25-46.

    -       Amir-Moezzi Muhammad Ali (1992). “Al-Saffar al-Qummi (d. 290/902-3) et son Kitab basa’ir al-darajat”, Journal Asiatique, CLXXX (3-4): 221-250.

    -       Amir-Moezzi Muhammad Ali (2003), “İmâmî Şiilik’te Hadisin Sıhhat Kıstasları ve Fakîhin Otoritesine Dair Değerlendirmeler”, T.C. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, 12(2): 313–48.

    -       Arkoun M. Etan Kohlberg (1992). A Medieval Muslim Scholar at work: Ibn Tawus and his library, Brill, Leiden.

    -       Brown, Jonathan A. C. (2009). Hadith: Muhammad's legacy in the medieval and modern world, Oxford: Oneworld.

    -       Brunner, Rainer (2005). “The Role of Hadith as Cultural Memory in Shi’a”, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 30: 318 – 3600.

    -       Buckley, Ronald P (2007). “The morphology and significance of some Imami Shi'ite traditions”, Journal of Semitic Studies, 52 (2): 301-334.

    -       Buckley, Ronald P (1997). “The Early Shiite Ghulat.” Journal of Semitic Studies.

    -       Buckley, Ronald P (1998). “On the origins of Shī'i Hadīth”, Muslim World, 88 (2): 165-184.

    -       Büyükkara, Mehmet Ali (2005). “Imamyye Sia' Sunin Hadis Usulunden “Mezhebi Bozuk”: Reviler (I): Metodolojik Degerlendirmeler, Islami Arastirmalar Dergisi, 17(3): 201–215.

    -       Büyükkara, Mehmet Ali (2000). “The Schism in the Party of Müsa al-Kazim and the Emergence of the Waqifa”, Arabica, 48: 78-99.

    -       Calder, Norman (1979). “Judicial authority in Imami Shi'i jurisprudence”, British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Bulletin, 6(2): 104-108.

    -       Chittick WC (1988). As-Sahifa Al-Kamilah Al-Sajjadiyya, a Translation.

    -       Firestone, Reuven (1998). “Merits, Mimesis, and Martyrdom: Aspects of Shi'ite Meta-historical Exegesis on Abraham's Sacrifice in Light of Fewish, Christian, and Sunni Muslim Tradition”, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 66 (1).

    -       Gleave, Robert (2001). “Between Ḥadīth and Fiqh: The “Canonical” Imāmī Collections of Akhbār”, Islamic Law and Society, 8 (3): 350-382.

    -       Gleave, Robert (2007). Scripturalist Islam; The History and Doctrines of the Akhbari Shi’i School, Brill.

    -       Jarrar, Maher (2000). “Sīrat Ahl al-Kisā: Early Shī’ī Sources on the Biography of the Prophet”, in the Biography of Muḥammad (ed. by Harald Motzki - Leiden [u.a.], pp. 98-1533).

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (1975). “An Unusual Shi’i Isnad”, Israel Oriental Studies, 5: 142-149.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (1976). “From Imāmiyya to Ithnā-'ashariyya”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 39 (3): 521-534.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (1979-A). “The Term Muhaddath in Twelver Shi'ism”, n.p.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (1979-B). “The Term 'Rafida' in Imāmī Shī‘ī Usage”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 99(4): 677-679.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (1983). “Shi'i Hadith”, In: Arabic Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period Beeston, A. F. L. (editor), Cambridge University Press, pp. 299–3033.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (1984). “Some Imāmī Views on the Sahāba”, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 5: 143-176.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (1985-A). “Non-Imāmī Muslims in Imāmī Figh”, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 6: 99-106.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (1985-B). “The position of the walad zinā in Imāmī Shī'ism”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 48 (2): 237-266.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (1987). “Al-Usūl al-Arba'umi'a”, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic & Islam, 10: 128-166.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (1991). “Aspects of Akhbari Thought in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”, InBelief and Law in Imami Shi'Ism (Collected Studies Series, Cs 339) by Etan Kohlberg, Variorum.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (1994). “Authoritative Scripture in Early Imami Shiism”, in E. Patlagend and A. Le Boulluece (eds.), Les retours aux ecritures, Fondamentalism presents et passet, Louvain-Paris.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan(2005). “Revelation et Falsification: Introduction a L'edition du Kitab al-qiraat d'al-Sayyari”, n.p.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (2013-A). “Introduction” to Shi'i Hadith Section of Daftary, Farhad and Miskinzoda, Gurdof (editors), The Study of Shi'i Islam: History, Theology and Law, (Shi'i heritage series), I.B. Tauris, vol. 2, pp. 165-180.

    -       Kohlberg, Etan (2013-B). “The Abu Basir tradition: Qur'anic verses on the merits of the Shi`a”, in: Law and Tradition in Classical Islamic Thought: Studies in Honor of Professor Hossein Modarressi.

    -       Lalani, Arzina R (2000). Early Shīʻī thought: The teachings of Imam Muḥammad al-Bāqir, London, New York: I.B. Tauris in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies.

    -       Marcinkowski, Muhammad Ismail (2000), "Al-Kulayni and his Early Twelver-Shi‘ite HadithCompendium Al-Kafi: Selected Aspects of the Part Al-Usul min al-Kafi", Islamic Culture, 74 (1): 89-126.

    -       Modaressi, M. Hossein (2003). Tradition and Survival: A Bibliographical Survey of Early Shī’te Literature vol. 1Oxford: Oneworld.

    -       Newman, Andrew (2000). The Formative Period of Twelver Shī’ism: Hadīth as Discourse between Qum and Baghdad, Richmond, surrey.

    -       Sachedina, Abdulaziz Abdilhussein (1998). The Just Ruler in Shi’te Islam, The Comprehensive Authority of The Jurist in Imamite Jurisprudence, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

    -       Saritoprak, Z. (2002). “The Mahdi Tradition in Islam: A Social-Cognitive Approach”, Islamic Studies, 41: 651-674.

    -       Sindāwī Khalie (2006). “The Donkey of the Prophet in Shī‘ite Tradition”. Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean, 18 (1): pp. 87–98.

    -       Takim LN (2007). “The Origins and Evaluations of Hadith Transmitters in Shi'i Biographical Literature”, The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 24(2): 26–49.