Freedom of opinion or force In The balance between Denial of coercion in religion with the verses of killing

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate professor in Razavi University of Islamic Sciences


Several verses in the Qurʼan assert that enforcement of belief on others is not appreciated and that acceptance of religion is a matter of choice. In contrast to these verses, there are many verses that order the believers to fight the infidels in order to spread the divine religion.  These verses have been interpreted as though the infidels and polytheists have to choose between embracing Islam or been killed. This induction is not only in apparent contradiction with the former verses, it has also led to various critiques of Islam accusing it of restricting the freedom of belief. Perceptions of other Islamic provisions such as the punishment of apostates and other traditions has also fueled these doubts. Reviewing the approaches to the negation of compulsion in religion, this article, based on descriptive-analytical method, has classified the verses on fighting the infidels and sets out to answer the questions posed by considering the apparent meaning of the verses as well as the context and historical evidences. Accurate analysis and documentation of these verses indicates that compulsion in religion is neither possible nor desirable, and in this verdict, there is no difference between different groups of non-Muslims. Nevertheless, according to Islam both the foundation and maintenance of a monotheistic religion is considered as a legal human right. Therefore, both primitive and defending Jihad is actually a defense of human rights. In conclusion, this study leads to this fact that Islam's fight against all the signs of polytheism and paganism is completely rational, without leading to compulsion in religion.


Main Subjects


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