Feasibility of The Influence of Imam Sādiq's Reading on Ḥamza b. Ḥabīb Kūfī’s

Document Type : Research Paper


Esfahan University


Ḥamza b. Ḥabīb (80-156 H.) is one of the seven Kūfī Qur'anic readers (reciters), which proves that the most basic feature of his reading is reciting the holy Qur’an by Traditions (ḥadīth) without interfering his own personal opinions or authority (fatwā). Through examining his reading, therefore, we can reach that of the greatest Companions as well. The issue of traditional-based reading without personal fatwās is so prominent in Hamza's recitation that some scholars considered the study of this recitation as a way to achieve the Companions’ readings. Historical reports say that he used greatly Imam Sādiq (AS)’s (d. 148 H.) views, read the Qur'an directly to him, and differed with him only on 10 letters. If such reports are correct, we can without a doubt detect the Ahl al-Bayt (AS)’s reading of the holy Qur’an. The present research aims to investigate the reasons of such facts. The author believes that these reports refer to the prevailing tendency to Ahl al-Bayt in Kūfa community, which is very important for analysing the events of the early Islamic period, especially for those who study Qur’anic sciences.


Main Subjects

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