Discourse Investigation of Shiite Exegesis is Kūfa; Reviewing Exegetical Views of “Saʽīd b. Jubayr:

Document Type : Research Paper


Tehran University


The effective function of “historical discourse investigation” in religious studies and especially in Quran exegesis, pushed us to analyze Saʽīd b. Jubayr’s exegetical statements, as one of the most Shiite effective exegetes in Kūfa. Applying this method, we prove that the prevalent atmosphere of the Saʽīd’s exegesis is “historical” and “jurisprudential” discourse, which connects with Shiite materials, and the structure of this discourse is Questioning or Non–Ta’avīlī; the former indicates the beginning of “questioning culture” and paving the way for giving Authority to the Quran and the Prophet’s speech and the latter points to practical and standard reading (recitation of the Quran) dominating the Saʽīd’s exegesis of which some Shiite fundamental concepts are distinguished. This practical reading, by the title of “acceptance of understanding the Quran” became later a mere scientific discussion.


Main Subjects

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