The Logic for Explaining the Interaction of Qur'anic Verses with Experimental Scientific Statements

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Imam Sadegh University

2 M. A. Imam Sadegh University

3 Ph. D. Professor, Sanaat Sharif University


The holy Qur'an's emphasis on knowledge, besides its allocating more than ten percent of Qur'anic verses to scientific issues in different fields, has turned the question of the relationship between these verses and different sciences to a genuine and meaningful concern. In addition, increasing growth of science and modern technology along with the social and philosophical thoughts arising from them, has turned this concern to a heavy duty. Efforts made in this field, are named as "scientific interpretation of the Qur'an". These efforts so far have experienced different approaches, the most important of which are: extracting sciences from Qur'an, Applying Sciences to Qur'an and employing it in order to reach a better understanding of Qur'an. The main deficiency of all these approaches is its failure in explaining the relationship between the changing theories of sciences and unchangeable revelation of Qur'an which has ended to degrading its teachings to mere preliminary recommendations. The approach presented in this paper is based on classifying experimental scientific statements in three different levels. Regarding such a classification, the interpreter in each level is facing a special kind of statements and theories which require its suitable scientific interpretation. At the first level, Qur'anic verses are the determiners for scientific statements, at the second level, they define the range of acceptable scientific theories and at the third level, they introduce guidelines and general principles for understanding nature.
