A Review of the Translation of Qur'an Done by Muhammad Mahdi Fuladvand

Document Type : Research Paper


Kerman University


Mr. M. M. Fuladvand began his translation of the Qur'an 37 years ago. In
1346 Lunear year. as a first step he published a translation of two chapters of
the Qur'an under the name of a "Flowers of the Holy Qura'n". This was
esteemed by scholars. Mr. Fuladvand continued his work with a scholarly
presence and had finished it by the time of the Islamic Revolution. Ultimately,
after many changes and a lot of editing his translation was recently published.
It could be said that this translation being immune of uncommon and
extreme tendencies, is written in contemporary fluent Persian. Among the
Persian transiations of the last fifty years, this is one of the most precise, most
readable, and most understandable translations.
However with all of its privileges, this translation like all other writings
and translations could be reviewed critically and from this point of view one
can see some inconsistencies in the translation of words, ignorance 'Of
grammatical aspects and some literary and philological mistakes in the
translated Persian text, as well as some other errors.
