Abu 'Amru Muhammad b. 'Umar b. 'Abdual- 'Aziz Kash,shi was a scholar and a master in the fields of hadith and the science of recognizing the narrators of hadith (Rijal). The exact dates or his birth and death are not known, but evidence points to the beginning or the 4th century (AH). He developed his expertise in Samarqand and Transoxiana.
Sheikh-e Tusi and Najjashi, his closest contemporaries, stated that he was the author of a book on Rijal. Ibn Shahr Ashub, who lived a century later than Sheikh-e Tusi, referred to Kashshi's book as Ma'rifatu al-Nagilin. An-e al-A'immat-ual-sadiqin. Others have referred to it as Akhbar-u al-rijal or Ma'rifat-u al-Rijal.
The original work has not be preserved and what is available today as Kashshi's Rijal is actually selections that Sheikl1 Tusi dictated to his students in 456 (AH) at the behest of Sayyed b Tawus. The content of this book differs from that of the original work. This article reviews Tusi's Ikhtiyar Ma'rifaru al-Rijal and compares it with Kashshi's original work on rijal.
Baharzadeh, D. (2004). An Investigation of Ikhtiyar Ma,rifat-ual-Rijal. Researches of Quran and Hadith Sciences, 1(2), 79-96. doi: 10.22051/tqh.2004.3354
Baharzadeh, D. . "An Investigation of Ikhtiyar Ma,rifat-ual-Rijal", Researches of Quran and Hadith Sciences, 1, 2, 2004, 79-96. doi: 10.22051/tqh.2004.3354
Baharzadeh, D. (2004). 'An Investigation of Ikhtiyar Ma,rifat-ual-Rijal', Researches of Quran and Hadith Sciences, 1(2), pp. 79-96. doi: 10.22051/tqh.2004.3354
D. Baharzadeh, "An Investigation of Ikhtiyar Ma,rifat-ual-Rijal," Researches of Quran and Hadith Sciences, 1 2 (2004): 79-96, doi: 10.22051/tqh.2004.3354
Baharzadeh, D. An Investigation of Ikhtiyar Ma,rifat-ual-Rijal. Researches of Quran and Hadith Sciences, 2004; 1(2): 79-96. doi: 10.22051/tqh.2004.3354