Environmental Justice in Quran and Hadith Teachings

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Tehran University

2 PhD student in Quranic sciences and hadith at Azad University


The incorrect interaction of human beings with the environment has lead to such an environmental unbalance that besides destroying the nature, it has disregarded justice in using nature resources. As regard to many newly arisen theories in human-environmental relation, it is necessary to clarify Islams position concerning this issue. Islam as the unique exalting school in guiding humans towards its perfectness, has provided particular models for the interaction of different social and economical institutions including that of human-environment. Considering the general meaning of justice, it can be claimed that the creation of the universe id based on justice and the relation between the three elements of human-nature-society with Allah and with each other has  been designed according to justice.
      The  environmental  justice requires that along with the construction of the earth, its destroying should be avoided.
