Allah,s Throne and Its Difference with Seat

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Neyshabor University


Indicating the meaning for the words “ throne” and “ seat” whether they represent one reality or they are two different facts, has been open to debate for a long time. As the result, according to the scholars different expertise and their diverse perception of sources, several opinions have been suggested: (a) Some have declared these verses as “ mutashabihat” (obscurity), and therefor  required to be believed in, avoiding any reflection and thought on it. (b) Others have considered “throne” as a place for Allahs settlement and the “seat” the position for His legs. Others maintained the “ throne” and “seat” as two enormous celestial bodies, the former consisting all the heavens and earths and the latter encompassing the “ seat”. Some have considered them representing the eighth and ninth sphere in Ptolemaic celestial  system. Few have supposed these  two referring to the planets Jupiter and Saturn. (c) Finally, a group has presumed these words as symbolic and ironic. These words have been interpreted as an irony to the following issues: the overall and detailed knowledge of the Divine; the physical and metaphysical part of the universe: the omniscience of Allah, the omnipotence of the Divine; the Creators comprehensive dominance over the creation, the whole universe and Allahs will.
   However, the author, scrutinizing the verses and traditions and considering all the tenest and approaches, supports the immaculative approach to the interpretations of these two words. He argues that defining “ throne” as the administrative center of the universe and the status of issuing divine orders is more consistent with the verses and traditions and in a way, comprises most of the definitions.
