Semantic Analysis of the Term “Tabyin” in the Quran and Investigation of Its Relation with the Need of Quranic commentary to Hadiths

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd Student in Quran and Hadith sciences of University at Tehran

2 Full professor in Quran and Hadith at Tehran University.


The meaning for the holy Prophets “ tabyin” of Quran is nowadays open to debate. Most of  the Akhbaris regard the “tabyin” of Quran, explaining  and interpreting it. Some of the Usulis consider this word as another expression for publicly revealing Quran. In this article, these two opinions have been evaluated according to Quran and semantics. The former is not in agreement with the Quranic usage of the word: the word “ tabyin” as  a  Quranic  terms is closely related to “ al-balagh al-mobin” and therefor cannot be considered as interpretation and explanation. In addition, “tabyin” in its most frequent usage has been undertaken by Allah. It is obvious that Allahs “ tabyin” cannot be defind as interpreting. Using traditions for interpreting Quran based on the essential need of verses to tradition, has actually ended in serious damages to understanding Quran. On the other hand, the latter view i.e interpreting “ tabyin” as “publicly revealing” has been supported by Quran and semantic analysis. In this article, while admitting the very high position of the holy Prophet in the Quranic interpretation and after providing the Quranic arguments for it, the first view has been criticized from three different aspect: its conflict with the lexical meaning of the word, its conflict with Quranic verses and its vast numbers of flaws.
