Discourse Analysis of Meaning in Kash,shaf Exegesis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Ulom & Ma,aref of Qur,an University

2 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Alzahra University


In this article the writer is trying to take a look at the discourse analysis of
meaning in the Kashshaf exegesis in order to attain a better understanding
of the methods used by Zamakhshary to reach meaning. Discourse analysis
of meaning is now of great significance in linguistics, notably semantics. In
this field ,in order to reveal the meaning intended by the writer different
elements are studied including: intra-linguistic denotations such as
lexicons, grammatical structures, rhetorical structures and intra-text context
along with signs and extra-linguistic significations of a text such as the
context of situation notably the social and cultural ones and also the
presuppositions of the analyzer. Zamakhshary in his exegesis has followed
this method to reveal the intention of the author of the text. Discourse
analysis might therefore be considered a mean for analyzing a text and
investigating the meaning intended by the author. It is notable that in this
commentary intra-linguistic denotations are prior to extra-linguistic ones,
showing Zamakhshary's structral approach to Quran,.
