Metaphorical image of the world in the sermons of Nahj al-Balagha

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor Boo-Ali Sina University

2 M.A.Student in Quran and Hadith sciences of University at


Imam Ali (pbuh) is unique in eloquence and rhetoric and master in
oration. his thrilling and profound words has captivated the attention of
the literalists and doctors of knowlegde and language from his own time.
Nahj al-balaghah with its reflective meaning , delightful images and
pleasant melody has attracted many masters of oratory and linguistic as
soon as it appeared.' World' is one of the basic and important subjects in
Nahj al-Balagheh in which Imam Ali shows his great creativity, and
eloquence . In his metaphors for world his delicate choice of words and
his inspiration in their assembling has given freshness and novelty to his
descriptions. The employment of elements of nature, life, motion,
sound, time, place and the usage of personal experiences in visualising
this matter manifests his thorough understanding and introduction of the
