The relation between the infallibility of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and the rebuking verses in view of Allameh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of University at Mashhad

2 Associate Professor of Ferdosi University


The holy Quran has expressed the infallibility of the holy Prophet(pbuh)
in several verses. Nevertheless the purportedly rebuking verses are mutually exclusive with this fact. Islamic theologist have accepted the
issue of infallibility although they have debates on its limits. Allameh
seyyed heydar amoli , the eighth century shia mystic and the interpreter
of Ibn Arabi's works by denoting the theory of the perfect human to the
holy Prophet(pbuh),has gone further than the theologians concept of
infallibility. Considering the different layers of meaning for quran, he has
reached a more profoung understanding of the rebuking verses and its
relation to the infallibility of the holy prophet. In this article amoli's
viewpoints have been categorized in six groups and it is possible to
conclude that in most cases his interpretation of these verses is that they
are purportedly addressed to the holy prophet but actually meant for other
muslims. According to him, the holy prophet's supplications for blessing
does not imply that these verses are addressed to him or that he has
performed any sin, but these can be considered as negletion of what was
better to do (tark ula).
