The semantic examination of the divine specific mercy in Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Esfahan University

2 MA graduate in Quran and Hadith at Isfahan University


Semantic examination of Quranic words is considered one of the new methods of
studying Quran. this approach tends to identify Quran 's view on an issue through
semantically analyzing Quranic keywords.
The subject of this article is the divine mercy. The divine mercy enjoys two
permanent streamlines in the world of existence: the general and specific mercy. By
cause of the general mercy the whole creation came into existence and by that of the
specific one it reached its ultimate perfection. Human being's salvation which is his
adapting the divine names and attributes is only possible by the means of the
specific mercy.
The objectives pursued in this study is semantically examining the specific
mercy in order to identify the collocations and substitutions of the keywords in the
literal context of the verse with the aim of reaching the deep concept underlying the
words and comprehending the consistency of quranic teachings and its systematic
organization of thought. Responding to the criticizes of the orientalists who claim
that Quran does not cherish from a consistent system of thought is one of the
implications of this study.
As an example the collocations of the word monotheism, contemplation and
thought ,faith and piety and love with divine mercy in the verses 163-165 of sura al-
Baghara indicates that man by his constant contemplation on the signs of Allah in
the nature opens the doors of divine specific mercy on himself, believes in Allah and
gradually reaches the monotheism status in order to get strength by his intimacy and
love for god ; while those neglect to the divine signs in creation, denounce
monotheism and conclusively will suffer from the divine torments and be deprived
of the divine specific mercy.
