The musical harmony of words in the 30th section of Quran and its manifestation in four translations of Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


Teacher oh Howzeh & University


The musical harmony of Quran is considered as one of its literal miracle. it enjoys
inspiring implications and captivates different sensations in addition to its effect on
the meaning conveyed causing exaggeration ,vividness, tranquility, fright and
anxiety, been reminiscent of outer sounds and events.
Considering that for translation, the best is.the most bounded to the destinattion
text trying its best to convey precisely all the meanings in the goal language
therefore the Quranic translators should consider the musical harmony of Quran and
its intiutive implications ..
This essay has studied and also compared four translations of Quran ie that of
Khoramshahi, Fuladvand, Garmarudi and the first group translation edited by
Muhammad Ali Rczayi Esfahani concerning the musical harmony of the words in
the 30th section of Quran . comparing these translations and displaying its results in
a table. The conclusion reached in this survey was the fact that translators often
neglect the musical harmony of Quran and its impact on its meanings. Nevertheless
the group translation have referred to musical implications of the verses more than
others ie in 8 verse out of 300.
Conveying the musical implications of Quran in its translations is a very
difficult task however, it should not be neglected. it can be expressed by adding the
musical meanings in parentheses or brackets or even in footnotes; in addition to
employing suitable punctuation or structures best revealing the inspirations and
sensations of the musical harmony of the verses.
Encouraging translators to manifest the musical harmony of Quran and literal
beauties in their translations has been the objective of this essay done by induction.
