The impact of polysemy and homonomy(wujuh & naza'ir) on the contemporary translations of Quran to Persian(based on the term fitna)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 ssociate Professor of Ferdosi University

2 MA graduate in Quran and Hadith


The knowledge of polysemy(wujuh) is one the basic information required for the
translators of Quran. Regarding different meanings of a word in Arabic language, at
times a word has one meaning in a statement, while the same word has a completely
opposite meaning in another statement, which can only be specified by its context.
Therefore the knowledge of polysemy is considered as one the basic pre-required
knowledge for comprehending Quran and is regarded as one of the Quranic sciences
which provides the grounds for different probabilities in interpreting Quran, open
to misunderstanding or misusage for those looking forward to making troubles.
The existence of polysemy in the holy Quran indicates that this text has different
stages of meaning , thus , the correct understanding of Quran depends on the
understanding of it. Nevertheless the translators have been wrong in translating
Quranic words, by rendering the word to one meaning regardless of different
context or misinterpreting it to the wrong sense. In this article we have studied the
translation of the word 'fitna'(trial,disturbance, ... ) in five of the most prominent translations of Quran(Makarem,Fuladvand,Mujtabavi,Sadeghi Tehrani), mentioning
their misunderstandings.
