Examining the features of innovation in Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor at Alzahra University

2 Ph.D. Student in Quran and Hadith sciences


The results of innovation are the enlivening breezes of life; finding its way in the
society ,innovation will guarantee its survival and continuance. Innovation is the
ground for development and exaltation of a society.
In Quran , human kind is much higher than any other species and has potentially the
capacity to manifest the divine attributes which has been given to him/her
essentially. The religion of Islam whose most essential concept and tenets has been
provided in Quran , has brought about a great evolution in all features of human life.
The fundamentals of Islam pushes human toward evolution, improvement and
progress and is in no way in harmony with deterioration, decline and stagnation.
This article designated to the study of innovation in Quran , at first introduces the
meaning of innovation and then distinguishes it from the meaning of 'bed'a'
(noncanonical innovation).!t also studies some of the methods for applying it in life.
In this study the most important barriers and also the best ground for bringing
innovation in practice has been identified. Providing a suitable condition for debate,
giving value to critiques, strengthening the mood of inquiry, avoiding polemic
debate are of the most important features of a suitable condition for flowering
innovation. Having an unopened-min, being strictly limited to the past,
concentrating on personalities, alienation are the main barriers of innovation in
view of Quran.
