The proved traditional contradictions in "Behar al-Anwar"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Tehran University

2 MA graduate in Quran and Hadith at Tehran University


Traditions enjoy a high status from different aspects, particularly due to their
elucidating role for Quranic teachings. However one of the issues concerning
these traditions is the contradictions that is seen between different sets of
hadiths. this deficiency is the result of many events in the history of hadith
narration of which the following can be mentioned: hadith forgery, narrating
the meaning of the hadith,loss of its context, weakness of memories and
perception of some of the narrators, alteration and distortion and
dissimulation. Dealing with these contradictions have always been of great
concern to eminent traditionists, classifying them in two groups: real and
ostensible. F or the former they tried to find a solution and for the latter they
gave a comprehensive meaning comprising both sides.
Muhammad Baqer Majlesi in Behar while encountering real contradictions
has chosen different approaches: when the two sides were of equal value, he
either chose to suspend judgrnent(tawaquf) or have option between the two
sides(takhyir). Although not indicating his criteria for choosing one of these
solutions, in the field of juridical traditions, he usually chooses the second
soltution while in that of dogmatic traditions, his choice is the first one. In
other fields, he has favored one of the two sides considering evidences from
Quran, traditions, traditional fame and some features in the chain of narrators
such as weakness and personal motives of the narrators. He rarely-not finding
any reason for preference- has discarded both sides. However almost in all the
cases, his precision in avoiding discard is significant. Actually, by deniying the
existence of real contradiction he tries to accept both sides and consider their
meaning and when rarely accepting its occurance acts with great caution.
