Sheikh Tusi and the Mutazila's views

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate professor of Kashan University at goroup Quran and Hadith


The Tebyan exegesis is one the fifth century commentaries, written with a
theological approach. Tusi's endeavour for strengthening Shiite tenets in it,
verifies his focus on this issue. The rather priority of theology compared to
other sciences in Tusi's era and current dogmatic debates, along with the
authoritative status of prominent Shiite scholars such as Sheikh Mufid, Seyyed
Murteza and Sheikh Tu si himself all had great influence on this commentary.
The vast narration of the Mutazili views such as those of Abu Ali Jubayi,
Rummani, Balkhi, Ka'bi and Muhammad Bahr Isfahani fulfilled this end. Both
for the rational methodology of Muhammad Bahr Isfahani and Rummani and
for the dogmatic principles common with Mutazila, Tusi has preferred the
Mutazili's opinions and narrated them. Although in quite a few occasions has
also criticized their believes and negated them.
