A comparison between Incarnation in the extremist's viewpoint, and manifestation of divine names and attributes in Shi'a

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Isfahan University


Elucidating the extremists' beliefs and showing their heretical nature, this
vrricle tries to demonstrate Extremism, despite it's apparent claim for
overstate love of Imams, as an instrument in the hand of Imams' enemies
specially Wahhabites. Referring to historical evidences, the author tries to
prove that the leaders of Extremism didn't love Imams but rather were their
enemies and just made pretenses in order to achieve their worldly aims and to
discredit Shi'a.in this study the major differences between extremism and
Shi'ite beliefs has been mentioned, proving that while imams are creatures,
they own all divine perfections as manifestations of God's attributes according
to Quranic and traditional arguments,denying the underscored beliefs of some
Shias about imams as a response to the exaggerating beliefs of extremists.
Having understood the correct meaning of God's manifestation in imam and
his being a full mirror of all divine names and attributes, we can be safe from agnosticism and anthropomorphism and surely extremism.
