Identifying the personal proper names in Rejal science

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Imam Sadegh University

2 Associate Professor of Isfahan University


In the current of time, the names of some of the narrators has undergone
changes which can be categorized as that connected to the form or meaning
of the names. Onomastics is a science in which names are studied and
methods for studying their changes suggested. Indeed, Onomastics by
suggesting the correct name and its different alterations opens the road for
the study of names in the field of Rejal. The methodology of Onomastics
has great use in different fields of Rejal including implication of different
data about a person by examining its name, identifying different names for
one person, finding the altered names. The results of these studies can have
a great impact on elucidating various aspect of the narrators' life.
