The Immaculateness of the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Isfahan University

2 Ph.D. Student in Quran and Hadith sciences of Kashan University


This essay is meant to reveal the immaculateness in Lord's Speech and
manner of statement, free of any obscenities or dishonesty. For we believe
that in addition to His particular emphasis on politeness and courtesy toward others noticed everywhere in His Holy Book, Quran, Holy God himself has
purity of speech and no intention of dishonoring anyone. Also we intend to
show how God interprets obscenities; how His Holiness has performed and
what art he has taken advantage of in talking of indecencies, obscenities and
whatever that may seem obscene in men's eyes. Regarding the fact that the
intensity of immaculateness of Quran is more deeply shown in statements of
sarcasm, satire and command, we will analyze them in this regard,
mentioning frequent examples and trying to expose to the addressee in this
opportunity, the immaculateness and purity of speech, hoping that it would
not be explaining what is already explained.
