With the pro-unity exegeses, we should bring back Qur'an to life

Document Type : Research Paper


Full professor in Quran and Hadith at Alzahra University.


One or the questions which Muslims arc concerned about is "why Qur'an that
had once been a mean to power and an authority for solving disputes in the
early centuries, has now become subject to the most severe disputes? and if
muslims are followers or Qur'an why arc they so divided?" According to
pro-unity commentators such as 'Alliimi Tabiitabayi and .s.hay15h Muhamrnad
'Abdu, these problems go back to some commentators' way or interpretation by which they have tried to relate their different knowledge to Qur'an. Each
of them have claimed that Qur'an affirms what they say. The pro-unity
commentators believe that by interpreting Qur'an through Qur'an itself, it is
possihle to release it from the disagreements of commentators and bring it
hack once again to all aspects of personal and social life of a Muslim.
