Women's role in narrating the Holy Prophet's Hadiths (SAWA)

Document Type : Research Paper


Full professor in Quran and Hadith at Tarbiyat Modarres University.


It is usually believed that women transmitters have not narrated many hadiths
and if they had, they were only about juridical laws concerning women. A
thorough research on the Holy Prophet’s (SA WA) .hadiths shows that this is
not right. The Prophet’s (SAWA) wives and women companions had an
effective role in transmitting traditions on women's laws and educational,
moral, political, legal, ritual and defensive subjects.
This article, on the role of women in transmitting the Prophet's (SAW A)
Hadiths, is an extract from an extensive research about women transmitters and
their narrations. Fourteen persons, after the number of the fourteen infallibles
(AS) whose name were between Alif to Dill in Arabic alphabet, have been
chosen. These had the most number of hadiths on different subjects.
