Goldziher and his book "Exegesis Approaches"

Document Type : Research Paper



In this article, the Persian translation of Ignas Goldziher's famous book,
entitled "Exegesis approaches to the Qur'an among MUSlims", converted from
Arabic, has been examined. At first some mistakes, misinterpretation and
vague phrazings, in the Arabic or Persian or both translations have been
mentioned. Then a brief account of the book and its six sections have been
introduced. These are accordingly: early Islamic commentaries, traditional
exegeses, that of Mu'tazila and Asha'ira and their differences, Mystic ones,
Shia exegeses and that of reformists such as 'Ahdu and Sayyid Djamal Afghani.
Moreover, some of Goldziher's misunderstandings and his attempts to rise
discordance among the Muslim sects hare been mentioned. His views on
deviant recitation of Qur'an which have not been recorded in authoritative
recitation books, have been criticized.
