Principles of comprehending and interpreting Kur'an in Shahid Motahhari’s view

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor


Principles of comprehending and interprenting Kur'an is one of the new
subjects in Kur'anic studies. Professor Shahid Motahhari as was an expert in
Islamic Sciences was also an authority in Kur'anic Sciences and its
commentary but he didn't find the opportunity to write an exclusive book on
this issue.
In this article we have gathered scattered data from his different works
including his most important one in this field, called" shenakht-e-Kur'an" in
which he has discussed this subject by name of Principles of understanding
and interpreting Kur'an. These principles can be divided into two categories:
those related la its attribution to Allah and to its denotation.
The principles of the latter kind are: comprehensibility of Kur'an, language
of Kur'an, independence of Kur'an in its denotation, referring mutushabehat to
muhkamat, keeping away from avarice, interpreting according to determined,
scientific data, universality and eternality of Ku'ran.
In addition to these, being familiar with different knowledge’s that are
influential in understanding Kur'an such as Arabic language, history of Islam,
occasion of revelation and hadith, reflection, having insight are other
important elements in understanding Kur'an, observing which will be the
means to achieving correct understanding and avoiding any deviation.
Key words: Principles of comprehending and interpreting: attributive
principles. Denotative principles, comprehensibility of Kur'an, language of
Kur’an, being independent in denotation. Interpreting according to determined
and scientific data, universality and eternality of Kur'an, required- knowledge,
influental elements in understanding, reflection
