Imam Baqer (AS) and Preserving Hadith

Document Type : Research Paper


Full professor in Quran and Hadith at Tarbiyat Modarres University.


The family of the Prophet (SAW) are the highest authority next to the
Noble Quran as the Prophet recommended at the last moment of his life,
saying 'I leave you with two successors, Allah's Book - a long rope between
the Heaven and the earth, or between the Heaven to the earth - and my
family; they will not be separated till they return back to me at the Pool
The Almighty God has chosen them for the guidance and leadership of the
Muslim after the Prophet (SAW).
(AS), the fifth Imam and leader after the Prophet (SAW), holded the
control of the ark of guidance at the time when the social and political
conditions had changed from that of the earliest Imams: therefore he was able
to teach his knowledge to those eager and to open the doors of different
In this article, we are about to mention some of his scholastic activities and his recommendations about recording, memorizing and writing hadith.
