Chronology of the Exegesis Attributed to Ibn-e Abbas: A Critical Study of Wansbrough and Rippin's Text Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Quran and Hadith sciences​ of Tarbiyat Modarres University

2 Associate Professor of Tehran University


Wansbrough in his challenging book, Quranic Studies, denying the reliability of documents in indicating the chronology of ancient texts, has suggested the text
analysis instead. He has applied this method for the chronology of old text
prior to Tabari exegesis, including that of kalbi. Accordingly he designates
roughly the year 200 to it. Using the same method, Rippin reconsiders its
chronology proposes the late third century. In this article these two
orientalists' text analysis concerning this exegesis has been critically examined.
