A Review on Chronology of Selecting "readings" of Qur'an and the Norms for Canonical Ones

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Alzahra University


Selecting "readings" (Qira'at) is an important issue with certain norms and
criteria for distinguishing the correct ones. Deciding on readings has at least
raised at the late first century, informally. At the beginning of fourth century
due to measures taken by Ibn-e Mujahid and his special focus on seven
readings, this campaign has been limited; although at the same time and later
on, experts still chose in between readings. This subject has been mostly favoured by Sunni scholars, while it was roughly accepted by Shias.
Intellectuals as Ibn-e Mujahid (d. 324), Ibn-e Khalivayh (d. 370), Ibn-e
Shannabuz (d. 327), Ibn-e al-jazari (d. 833) and others have suggested some
criteria for differentiating and choosing "readings". Some of them are: the
authenticity of isnad, accordance to Arabic grammatical rules, and more
probably, accordance to Othmanic calligraphy of Qur'an. Among the Shias, M.
H. Ma'rifat has also suggested some norms for it. In the present article, we
have discussed the definition for "selecting", its history and norms.
