Variety of Restriction (Qasr) in Qur'an

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor

2 Department of Theology, Tabriz branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran


In all messages, the formal feature and how it penetrates III the souls of its
addressees, is one of the most important ways. Restriction (qas'r) is one the
most significant issues in semantics, about which it has been spoken in
rhetorical methods of Qur'an. Qasr is limitation of the subject in a predicate
or restriction of one thing to another in a particular way. This restriction can
be done by different means. In Arabic, negation and exclusion are the main
and strongest means for restriction. As Qur'an is the most important scripture
for Muslims, to reach a deeper understanding of it, we have to consider all the
rhetorical methods among which is restriction.
In this article we have studied different views about various ways of
restriction and its status in Qur'an and rhetorics.
