Analysis critical rationales believers theory repetition of revelation

Document Type : Research Paper



In exegetical and Qur’anic studies sources, in order to determine “the cause of revelation” or recognize a chapter or a verse as “Meccan (makkī) or Medinan (madanī)”, sometimes the criterion of “repetition of revelation” is the main proof. Confronting with various and contradictory traditions, the supporters of this view bring up the theory of “repetition of revelation”. This group of researchers has identified the authenticity of the chain of transmitters (sanad) and the type of a narrator's statement to determine the cause of the revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl); however, the limitation of the criterion of recognizing a verse or chapter as Meccan or Medinan to the authenticity of the chain of transmitters and the type of a narrator's interpretation, along with the primary presumption of the lack of ijtihād of narrators, has created the emergence of different and contradictory narratives. Therefore, because of the inadvertence of the prevalence of such contradictory traditions, they carry them on “repetition of revelation” and practically avoid the critique and denial of narratives. The reasons rendered by the advocates of this theory, scientifically, are not reliable; According to the principles of hadith studies, it is possible to prefer some traditions related to the sphere of revelation verses or chapters to others, while the opinions of the proponents of this theory are contradictory in justifying the alleged cases, and the failure to register the verses and chapters alleged in the official codex is another evidence for the inaccuracy of “the repetition of revelation” theory.


Main Subjects

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