The role of Situational Context and circuital Context in Interprating Koran Verses(8-20 baqara and 1-9 mnafequn)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 student of esfahan univercity

2 prapesor ofesfahan university


This study is going to analyze the papers relating to the situational contexts also the linguistical roles in the verses 8-20 of Baqareh (cow) plus 1-8 of Monafeqon (dissenters) according to the needs and the expriential priorities of interpratation.
From the old time the deep comprehenshion of the verses has been considered by the interprators.
The analyzing of the different context and the inner contacts between verses are with the aim of defining the meaning coherence and correlation. The context is an important counterpart which makes the capability of the testifying of the confirmation in the different times.
The term context is devided into two patrs the intextual and out textual by intextual we mean the analyzing the role of linguistic elements in the text and its effect in the meaning comprehension. And the out textual context is the very text creativity and the different elements will effect on it.

By achieving the result first, the interpratation of verses will be clarified then in the way of connecting the meaning of the of the verses the context correlation and the reasons of the terms of the verses will be defined according to the context of the delivery as well as the context and the role of the speakers as well as the addressee.
Key words:
Koran interpratation,
Circuital context
Situational context
Linguistic roles


Main Subjects

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