Critical investigation of the Azizah Hibri's view in the interpretation of the hitting of the woman in the verse 34 in chapter Nisa

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor

2 گروه فلسفه و حکمت اسلامی/دانشگاه شاهد


The Qur’an is most reliable of existing documents for deducing jurisprudential rulings. However, like other verses, jurisprudential verses have also engaged with some contradictory and incorrect interpretations and perceptions. Azizah Hibri is one of the American Muslim woman thinkers and one of the originators of the Islamic-Qur’anic Feminist Theory. She has challenged the Islamic thinkers’ perspective on “Beating Woman” presenting under the verse Nisāʼ: 34 and has completely proposed different ideas. This research, based on descriptive-analytical method, aims to answer the question that “what is the critique of Azizah Hibri's views of the interpretation of beating woman in the verse Nisāʼ: 34”? The main critiques of her views and arguments are as follow: 1. The acceptance of beating woman dose not prove the superiority of male gender over female and does not bring about Polytheism, 2. There are no contradictions between beating women and their reverence in the Prophetic traditions, 3. The acceptance of changing the sentence in the verse beating requires the adoption of Ijtihād (initiatory power) versus Naṣṣ (Qur’an or Hadith Text themselves), 4. The obedience to husband under Sharīʽah’s rules is the same obedience to Allah, 5. The woman’s obedience to husband is necessary in Matrimonial matters and, for various reasons, the interpretation of beating woman while committing prostitution is not correct.


Main Subjects

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