“Dhikr” and “Tadhakur” in the Chronological Order of Quranic Revelation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Isfahan

2 University of isfahan


One of the names of the Qur’an is “Dhikr” and one of its most important features is “Tadhakkur” (reminding others). The present study, investigating the verses encompassing this feature, through a chronological order from the period of Mecca to the end of Medina, is recognized as a first research focusing new aspects of the textual coherence in the Qur’an which reveals the conceptual harmony and the internal coherence of the Qur’an. The Qur’anic verses in this subject can be categorized under four stages beginning with “Dhikrun lil ’Ālamīn” (The remembrance for the worlds). The first stage concerns the Qur’an itself and its pervasive reminding. The second stage refers to the addressees and the conditions required for their acceptance. The third stage addresses the believers and in a general reaction the “’Itbāʽ” and “ʼIʽrāḍ” in facing with “Dhikr” would oppose each other. The last stage is devoted to the elaboration and completion of the teachings included in the previous stages with a different approach. In regard with the chronology of revealing the verses which include the concept of reminding, these stages were inferred: Accepting the warning, Contemplation, Accepting the authority (Guardianship) and Believing in the Qur’an. In a general perspective, the structure and concepts of these verses, in addition to the above mentioned coherence, indicate “Harmony of the Chronological Revelation” and a miraculous harmony between the structure and concept.


Main Subjects


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