The function of mythology as an interdisciplinary tool in the field of critique and analysis of the hadith.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Quran and Hadith sutdies, Tehran University

2 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith sutdies, in Tehran University

3 Ph.D. student of Quran and Hadith sutdies in uneversity of imam sadeq


Today, the use of interdisciplinary tools is a major solution to the development of science and the elaboration of previous findings. Mythology is one of the most popular interdisciplinary tools that attracted the consideration of other sciences. This is certainly not a coincidence, but the vast potential of mythology make this capability. The authors of this paper, using the library method, are trying to propose a model for a mythical critique, which emphasizes two areas of pathology and structural analysis. In the field of pathology through the three stages of recognizing elements, goals and mythical species, in addition to the recognition of mythical hadiths in a methodical manner, the goals of the formation of such narratives are also revealed. In the field of structural analysis, while studying the form of narratives, the probability of occurrence of processing in them is examined. Although the final judging on the authenticity of a narrative requires the aggregation of all documentary and textual statements, through this process, valuable data is provided to the researcher who helps him to understand the correctness of a narrative as much as possible.


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