Attending to structuability of quran in inovation and hadith

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith sutdies in Tehran University

2 Student at Tehran University


The Holy Qur'an includes some especial parts with special functions. One of these especial parts is the surah, which has its structure and distinctive character, personality and identity. The concept of the structure of surah means the relation of verses, the coherence of components and the relationship that is created between the components with all the collection of Surah.
The purpose of this disquisition is to examine this issue in the Quranic and hadithic and also seek to answer the question : how the basic concept of structure in context of Quran and usage in the traditions of Ahlul Bayt (A.S) are explained? This method is rooted in the exegesis of "Quran by Quran" that relies on coherence between verses and It is expressed by Qur’an and Hadith. The most important examples of these communications in the word of Ahlal Bayt (AS) are: Attending to the beginning and the ending of Surah, the context of the verses, the explanation of vocabulary in terms of the surah's structure, the relationship between the contiguous and noncontiguous verses, and the division of the surah structure.


Main Subjects

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