Investigation of the image schemas of the “torment” in the holy Quran from a cognitive perspective

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor Esfahan University

2 sfahan university

3 MA-Graduate of Theology, Isfahan University‎


Cognitive linguistics is a branch of linguistic knowledge that considers language as a tool for the order, organization, processing and transmission of information and examines the relationship between languages, man, his mind and his physical and social experiences. "Image schemas", which are the result of movements of the human body, perceptual interactions, and how to deal with perception, is one of the ways in which "cognitive semantics" has been used to understand abstract concepts. Since the holy Quran is blessed book and it is the bounty in the vastness of all times which it in addition to its age is the guidance and training book of all human in all age, the text of holy Quran deserves sticks the main axis for guidance, discovery of its truths and to understand of the concept and speaker's purpose at any time and its combination are carefully analyzed and investigative.
Therefore the present study tries to examine the abstract word "torment" with the approach of linguistic and which using an analytic descriptive method, by discovering and drawing of various image schemas. The result of the research show that God has use a meaningful and physically structured in the 3D space for to express and to understand more abstract and mental concepts, including an all-purpose term "torment", which according to our experience of earthly appear more enlightened.


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