The moral commentary of the Holy Qur'an emphasizes its foundations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Faculty of Theology, University of Tehran in Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences,

2 PHD. of Quranic and Hadith sciences, Faculty of Theology, University of Tehran


Ethical interpretation is one of the distinctive features of Quranic commentary, and one of the most important components of this kind of interpretation is its epistemological principles. The belief in the descent of the Qur'an through revelation, the validity of the appearances of the Qur'an and its interpretation of interpretations that follow from the general principles of interpretation are also present in the Qur'anic ethical commentary, but what distinguishes the ethical method from the interpretation of the Qur'an from other interpretive approaches is its specific principles. The most important of these principles are: guidance and education of the Qur'an, the monopoly of human perfection in morality, the application of Qur'anic concepts to ethical virtues, the creation of religious duties based on the ethical and ethical principles of the language in the Quran. Based on these Qur'anic foundations and documentation, the narrative and rational infrastructure that forms these principles can be claimed that throughout the Qur'an, moral concepts are present in a particular language and language. Therefore, it is essential to interpret the Quran with an ethical approach.


Main Subjects

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