The history of the "KARAM" in the culture of the time of the Quran descent

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Faculty of Theology, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor​ of Tehran University

3 PHD of univercity of Tehran


Among the many meanings of the root of the "worm", the meaning of "forgiveness" is seen only in the southern marginal languages, and other meanings of this root, respect, credibility, and honor are only mentioned in Arabic. But how can these meanings be analyzed in the last stages of the process of semanticization of "worms" in the culture of the age of decline, socially and culturally? And whether the process of semanticization of the worm persists in the Qur'an, and what are the main meanings of the "worm" before and after the decline, how are they related to each other, in terms of causes, motivation and function?
 According to a humanist study of the phenomenon of forgiveness, the concept of worm in the Saudi space before the descent of two ways can be analyzed: 1) based on motives and 2) through the functions of forgiveness. Because the owners of power, in view of changing the economic discourse of the paranormal region, were motivated to gain credibility, respect and prestige, and to regain the acquired power of forgiveness-zeal. Forgiveness led to the creation of the notion of dignity among the people, and was communicated between dignity and forgiveness and the consolidation of power. Owners of power have enjoyed a remarkable acceptance through the creation of their idolatry and forgiveness to the minds of peoples. On the contrary, since the origin of the worm in the Qur'anic worldview is God, not humans, it should be on the axis of divine reverence,...


Main Subjects

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