“Motion” in Imagery of Prophetical Stories (Case Study of Sūrah: Hūd)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 adabait arabi-alzahra-tehran

2 faculty member of AL-Zahra university


For a long time, “imagery” has been widely studied as one of the literary aspects of the word by many literary scholars. Contemporary theorists have always been exploring the origins of the rhetorical industry by searching for illustrations in the Holy Qur’an. In the Qur’an, “Sūrah Hūd”contains numerous images of the life of the Prophets' tribes such as Noah, Hood, Shelah  (Saleh), Lot, and Jethro (AS), and in fact the main contributor to the fate of these tribes was move and strive. The present paper, based on the descriptive-analytical method, investigates “motion verbs” in the imagery of these stories, and then the type of such verbs and the reason for their dominance are examined. The superiority of motion verbs to other verbs indicate the concise and tangible imagery of stories, which is coherent with images which are full of weird punishments. Among the “trans-motion verbs”, too, the horizontal trans-motion is more than the other verbs, which reflects the human actions to himself. The evil and good are entirely in their horizons, which will affect man himself and thus one can take a deeper understanding of meaning.



Main Subjects

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