Comments on Views of Ayatollah Ma'refat on the Issue of “Mutashābih”

Document Type : Research Paper


shahid bahonar university of kerman, kerman, iran


Muḥkam” (firm) and “Mutashābih” (similar) are of the most important topics of Qur’anic sciences. Ayatollah Ma'refat's studies on this topic has innovations, but they may be considered and criticized. In the present paper, these considerations (or comments) are discussed in five subtitles of “the technical meaning of mutashābih”, “types of mutashābih”, “the interpreted (ta’wīl) meaning of mutashābih”, “the cause of existence of mutashābih in the Qur’an” and “the interpreted meanings of the Qur’an”. The most important considerations are that the emergence of the seventh verse of sūrah 'Āl-i 'Imrān does not take on the interpreted tashābuh (similarity). In addition, transversal similarity, i.e. the mutashābih verses at the time of revelation were muḥkam and afterwards in the later periods became mutashābih, is not compatible with the advent of the seventh verse of 'Āl-i 'Imrān. The reason for similarity in the Qur’an is not limited to the short word and long meaning, but testing the people for their referring to Ahlulbayt (as) is the most important cause of tashābuh in the Qur’an. The interpretation of the Qur’an, in addition to the esoteric meanings, includes esoteric examples as well. This research method is descriptive-analytic.


Main Subjects

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