Explanation of the Content Integrity of Sūhra Luqmān, Based on Qualitative Content Analysis Method

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Al-Zahra University, Iran.


The explanation of content integrity inside the Qur’anic sūrahs is an effective approach to reject orientalists’ misconception about the dispersion and discontinuity of the text of the holy Qur’an. The present paper aims to study the content coherence of the verses of Sūrah al-Luqmān and discover its basic conceptions in order to clarify the connection between the verses of this sūrah. Accordingly, based on the qualitative content analysis method and through extracting and categorizing the concepts of verses, it is argued that although seemingly various different topics are discussed in this sūrah, the main focus of all concepts is “praising wisdom and how to achieve it”, consisting of three sub-topics: “the Qur’an is a book of wisdom and bringing up the wise”, “Luqmān and his competency of getting wisdom”, and “the means for achieving Monotheistic wisdom”. In addition, it contains a number of concepts concerning the wisdom, including: gratefulness, Monotheism, obedience, guidance, mercifulness, salvation, in contrary to some other concepts related to amusement (lahw) such as: infidelity, Polytheism, ignorance, oppression, and deviation.


Main Subjects

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