Reconsidering the Semantic Relationships of the Word “al-'Ālamīn” According to Component Analysis Method

Document Type : Research Paper



Questions are being asked about the term “al-'Ālamīn”, which have not yet received reasonable responses; e.g. “why has the root ‘'ilm’ (knowledge) been mentioned for the meanings of ‘peoples of the world’ or ‘worlds’?” Although Muslim philologists have considered it as “Arabic” and the western Qur’anic scholars have described it as Hebrew or Syriac, they did not present a clear meaning for it. The method of this research is word analysis, based on semantic components; first, “al-'Ālamīn” is analyzed, based on its components in Arabic and non-Arabic lexicons as diachronic semantics. Then it goes ahead as a synchronic semantics in the Qur’anic textures. Finally, both methods are compared to clarify if the result of a diachronic analysis on “al-'Ālamīn” is consistent with synchronic analysis. Findings show that the term “al-'Ālamīn” is originally related to Sabaic and Phoenician languages, as well as to “עלם” in Aramaic and ܥܠܡ in Syriac. It is closed to Arabic word «غُلام», as well. The best meaning for the word in many Qur’anic verses is “men”, sometimes “the youth” (boys), and in some verses “creatures”, which adding the place component and then making the meaning of “world” are another explanation of the Qur’anic verses. Also, in contrast to the opinions of some orientalists, this word has no connection with Jewish and Christian sources.


Main Subjects

-          The Holy Qur’an.
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