A Study of the Lack of Auditory Versions of Hadiths and the Typology of Their Induced Multi-Reading (Factors of Reading Transformation in Auditory Versions of Hadiths)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Quranic and Hadith Studies, Meybod University, Meybod, Iran.

2 Department of Quran and Hadith, Meybod University, Meybod, Iran

3 PhD student, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, Maybod University, Iran.


Due to the specific orthographic features of Arabic, a piece of writing in that language may be pronounced differently. This is linguistically referred to as “reading transformation”. In the case of documented Hadiths (traditions), correct understanding of meanings depends on reading the texts as intended by the author in his original manuscript. This fact, if ignored, as happens sometimes, leads to mistaken understanding of certain religious texts. Different readings of the same text often lead to contradictory meanings and arguments on whether to accept the text or reject it. This is why it has traditionally been preferable to receive a Hadith orally rather than in a written form. This paper aims at the factors that affect different readings of written Hadiths. Indeed, it typologically introduces the factors that create misunderstanding. The study is a descriptive-analytical one, focusing on several examples of Hadiths that suffer from a lack of auditory versions. The results indicate that the most critical factors involved in reading transformation are “lack of punctuations”, “cutting Hadiths”, “lack of vowel markers”, “neglecting the stock collocations or word combinations”, and “the derivative nature of Arabic”. Careful consideration of these factors is specifically highlighted for dealing with the words quoted from the Imams (PBUTH).


Main Subjects

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