Recognizing the Concept of Neglect (Ghaflah) in the Quran, with Emphasis on the Effect of “Preposition” in the Meaning of the Verb

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Qur’an and Hadith Sciences, University of Mazandaran


Recognition of the Qur’anic lexical and compound meanings is a necessary requisite of noticing their verbal elegant characteristics. The words derived from the root of “gh-f-l” in the Qur’an are occurred sometimes in its absolute verb (maṣdar of gh-f-l) and sometimes in combination with the prepositions of “'an” or “min”. The effect of the preposition in the meaning of a verb is accepted among Arab linguists; nevertheless, considering most of the exegeses and translations indicates that there was no attention to such feature of the word “neglect” (ghafala).
Classifying and analyzing the verses which contain the root of ghafala in the Qur’an, the present research, based on a descriptive-analytical method and through considering the lexicons, interpretive rules, and some evidences of the commentators’ opinions, suggests a distinct meaning for each derivation of the word. Accordingly, the first sources of the word prove a general meaning for the root of gh-f-l, i.e. the “lack of effect and sign”, which is also compatible with the meanings of “lack of sense” and “leaving something”, both are suggested by the philologists. Moreover, the study of the verses of “neglect” shows that the combination of the root gh-f-l with the preposition “'an” in all verses is applicable with the meaning of “disregard” and its combination with the preposition “min” is usable with the meaning of “ignorance”.


Main Subjects


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